Crazy Lives in Me

This is my co-op project for showcase this is my snake and my website.... Ive have lots of fun in this class.... Hope you like my tornado snake I created with the help of my teacher.... There's not to much on here but hope you enjoy what is on here.... Ive had lots of fun learning code.... and programing the led lights and working on our little Game Thanks!!! :)

Hello Life May Be Crazy But doesnt mean it cant be great! I am Crazy but I dont like being normal. how's life? kinda crazy?

oh well.... Yo guys how do you like my snake? I made it. Thanks!!! Hope you are doing amazing.... Hope Life is great!!! Things are going to get better if they are not okay right now.... Keep yourself healthy.... Just keep your self hyped up or in a good mood! hope my advice helps.... Thank you bye have a good day!

Crazy just like Life

Tornado Snake?

Hey!!! Dont Go Crazy!!!

Here's to the Crazy ones

Live your life take chances, be crazy dont wait. Because right now is the oldest youve ever been and the youngest you'll be ever again. - We were all born crazy. some of us remain that way. - You need a little bit of insanity to do great things. - Yes Im crazy Normal is boring for me.-

- Some people never go crazy, what truly horible live they must live. - Crazy? I prefer the term hilariously unstable. - Some may never live, but the crazy never die.... -